Friday, January 23, 2009

The Journey

Where God leads us sometimes is amazing, where we lead ourselves sometimes is amazing. But what I've learned is there's a difference between success, tradition, even loyalty when it come to peace. God's Peace is an ultimate gift from Him. Psalm 34:14 says, "Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." Now over the past year of my life, there wasn't evil, there wasn't bad, but there wasn't peace. God says to seek peace and pursue it! So many times, if we get a glimpse of His peace, we don't pursue it. One definition of pursue is to capture. To capture God's Peace, to think that we can miss it? To think that in ourselves and in our daily routines, we miss God's Peace. I want to strive for God's peace, for God's will in my life. There's a song that says "Isn't it great, when He's 4 days late, He's still on time." God's taught me more in the past 2 weeks than I would've ever imagined. I have more peace and I am thankful for God's security... Not sure yet how He's gonna provide... but He'll provide! I must just remember that I am worshipper first.